Tag Archives: do the right thing


I have been looking forward to this day for over a month. I have been working for over six months straight with no day off. It’s true I had earned time and a half pay, but still, you can only work so much, and then your mind and body say, “that’s enough.”

My job at Pratt and Whitney required absolute attention to every detail. Our company has invested heavily to bring our company into the next century. Presently Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in designing, manufacturing, and servicing aircraft and helicopter engines and auxiliary power units. There is a high demand for our products. I am responsible for making sure our success continues. My job is a difficult and demanding one. I must admit I really need a break because of the constant pressure at my workplace. And finally, I see there is a light at the end of the tunnel since my department head has given me the go-ahead to take a week off with pay.

Now you may or may not be wondering what a person like myself does for fun. You probably think I spend my whole time solving complex mathematical problems that heretofore haven’t been solved by anyone. But no, nothing like that. But you must promise not to share my secret with anyone else. So, mum’s the word. My secret hobby, if you want to call it a hobby, I call my raison d’etre. Or, as some less extraordinary person might call it, their reason to live.

Do you think you can guess what it is??? I know you never will, so I will let you in on my secret pastime. On my day off, I go to all the thrift shops within thirty miles of where I live. And I search through all the coats, pants, and jacket pockets. I make sure that I try on all the coats and jackets that have designer names. And if I have the time, I go through the pockets of all the pants, jackets, and coats. You probably think that this is a complete waste of time. But, you would be wrong, so wrong.

Allow me to illustrate why checking all the pockets of high-end clothing is not a waste of time. The reason is that people who buy expensive clothing often stash money and jewelry in their pockets and often forget about them. And after wearing something for a while, these wealthy people decide it’s time to donate their old clothing and buy new. I know if you are anything like me, you can’t imagine being so self-indulgent and wasteful. Let me illustrate with examples all the money and jewelry, including silver and gold pieces that I have found in the pockets of clothing.

One day I was at a thrift store outside of Tampa on the main highway. I used to go to this shop at least once a month because many of the people that donated high-end clothing were employed as Management Executives and highly paid techies. They often replaced their wardrobes quite often because they interacted with many wealthy people during their work days. And they couldn’t afford to be seen wearing that same blue or black suit week after week, and that including women and men.

The week before a big corporate meeting, I decided to stop by one of my favorite haunts, a thrift Shop called It’s All Good. I found a three-piece woman’s suit with a vest to match. And I was lucky enough to find a white silk blouse, all for less than fifty dollars.

I tried it on in the changing room at the thrift store, and it fit like a dream. It looked like it was made for me. I decided to have it dry-cleaned. When I arrived home, I tried it on again. And I put my hand in the pocket of the vest, and I found a fifty-dollar bill. When I pulled it out of the pocket, I almost passed out. I never really ever had any good luck.

I took this as a good omen. My luck was changing for the better. So, I adopted a more optimistic point of view. I felt like the meeting was going to be a success, and more would follow. The corporate meeting was going to last three days at a nearby hotel. I decided I better find at least one more suit to wear and another blouse. I didn’t want anyone to think I only had one suit to my name. So, the Saturday before the corporate meeting, I stopped at the thrift shop. And I found they had acquired a new selection of woman’s high-end business wear. I was thrilled, to say the least. While I was there, I found a knee-length leather coat in my size that was to die for. I snatched it up and took it into the dressing room. And the suit and the leather jacket fit like a dream, like they were made for me.

When I arrived home, I took my bounty out of the bag and looked it over. I decided that first thing tomorrow morning, and I would take it all to be dried clean and get it freshened up. I decided to look through the pockets in the vest and the jacket, just in case. And  I found a leather wallet in the inside pocket of the vest that I hadn’t noticed before. And unbelievably, it had five one hundred dollar bills in there. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was my lucky day, and I had no doubt that I would have more good luck in the future.

That week I felt so buoyed up by my run of good luck, I felt like the Corporate meetings were going extremely well, and I felt highly motivated to keep on top of things and keep my good luck going in the right direction. And then, it occurred to me that I have had lots of luck in my career, but there has also been a lot of hard work. In other words, yes, I had a streak of good luck, but perhaps my strong work ethic and years and years of preparation are what was the cause of my good luck.

The last day that we were meeting, my boss came over to me and said, “Jeanette, I want to give you a little advance warning during the lunch meeting. You are going to be called up to the dais. Because of all your hard work and skill, you are getting promoted to vice president of the sales department. So, you need to be prepared to say a few words. Congratulations, you deserve every bit of your success. I know you are somewhat superstitious and believe in luck. But the truth is hard work and dedication are what has taken you to this point in your career. I have no doubt that you will have more success in the future.”

I was so flabbergasted by my boss’s kind words that I stood there momentarily like the cat got my tongue. I finally snapped out of it and said, “Thank you, Mr. Cooper. Your kind words mean more to me than I can say. I promise I will continue to give all the energy I have to our continued success.”

“ I have no doubt that you will do just that, Jeanette, none at all. Now take a deep breath and prepare for the great future that I do not doubt is waiting for you.”

My boss shook my hand, and I went back to my seat and took a deep breath. I felt a smile spread across my face, and I looked around the room at my fellow employees. I realized that it was the hard work and long days and nights that I devoted to my responsibilities, not good luck, not a new suit. It was me. And I felt that I would indeed have a great life and future ahead of me. And I would live one day at a time and plan for my future.

I knew I probably wouldn’t have to shop at thrift stores anymore, but I would most likely continue to do as I considered it yet another challenge to dress well without spending all my earnings on clothes.

As I sat there at my table, I reached into one of my jacket pockets to get a tissue, and low and behold. I felt a folded-up piece of paper. I looked at it closely, and it was handwritten, not apparently from the original owner of the suit that I was presently wearing. The writing was a beautiful handwritten script. It said, “to the new owner of this beautiful suit, my wish for you in your life is happiness, contentment, and appreciation of all the good things in life. Keep in mind that material things add to our happiness, but they do not ensure it. You should look for your happiness to come from being kind and generous to the people you come in contact with over the course of your life. Do not be blinded by the accouterments of life. Recognize what things bring you true happiness and contentment throughout your days. They are family, friends, good health, home, your pets, a good night’s sleep, a job that you enjoy, a clear conscience, and beautiful music.

I knew I couldn’t have said it more beautifully. That is truly what makes us happy and content in our lives. Yes, nice clothes and all the other things that we enjoy in life are nothing compared to our friends, our families, and the things that bring us joy and make us feel fulfilled.

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