Tag Archives: social distancing

March 27th, 2020 Corona Virus

Photo by Bob Culver


Last Saturday, my husband Bob and me with our dog Douglas, decided to go to the Carrol Howard Johnson Environmental Park in Fuqua-Varina. Douglas loves walking through the woods, keeping his nose to the ground. Smelling all the delicious smells.

There was lite traffic on the usually busy roads that lead to Fuquay and the park.  When we arrived at the park, there were about six cars parked out front. Usually, there is only one or two. But it was Saturday, and we usually go during the week.

We enjoy this particular park because it has trails through the woods with streams and is somewhat hilly, but not too strenuous. As we started our hike, we could hear voices in the distance, including the happy laughter of little kids. It was like music to my ears.

When we were within shouting distance of one of the families, I noticed they kept glancing in our direction. I said, “Bob, I don’t think we should walk too close to these families. It seems like it is making them uncomfortable. We waited on one of the wooden deck overlooks while they passed us. There were about ten feet between us and them. I called out to them,” Hello.” They quickly walked by us and appeared to avoid any eye contact at all. They didn’t return my greeting.  It was kind of weird. And this was repeated several times with three other families.

I asked Bob, “Did you notice that they didn’t even make eye contact and didn’t say hello?”

“Yes, I noticed it’s weird,” Bob said.

“You know I think they somehow they felt they were at risk just to pass ten or more feet away from us and to speak to us.”

“I think you’re right Susie, they appeared to be afraid.”

I felt a kind of sinking feeling in my stomach. I kept swallowing hard. I felt sad. I’m a friendly person and when we pass people on the street. I always greet them and say ‘hi, how are you? Or just, “hello.” People almost always respond to a friendly greeting.

Douglas happily made his way through the woods, smelling all the delicious aromas. Totally oblivious that the world had changed so rapidly in a short time. People are afraid of their fellow humans because too close contact with them could possibly cause them to die.

We made our way back to our parked car. I couldn’t help but think to myself. “How is this going to turn out? Will we make it through somehow? What is to become of us?’ And I’m not just talking about myself and my husband. But, all of us. How will this end?

I have come to this conclusion, yes, we must be careful of coming in contact with people, and by that, I mean physical distance. But we can still safely acknowledge one another. And care about one another and want them to continue on with their lives. And be able to live happy and productive lives. Would any of us want to live in a world where we care nothing for other people’s well-being? I wouldn’t want to live in such a place. Be careful, take care of yourselves and your families. Be kind to one another.
