Tag Archives: home


As far back as I can remember my family has been telling me that I let my imagination run away with me. One family member actually had the audacity to tell me I was full of malarkey.

As a child, I would come home after playing outside with my friends and as soon as everyone was seated at the dinner table I would regale them with the adventures I experienced that day.

I always begin by saying, “wow you won’t believe what happened to me today.”

And then one night at the dinner table my oldest siblings said, “oh no, here she goes again with one of her wild stories. Mom, can’t you tell her to shut up? We can never eat in peace. You know she is full of bologna. There is no way that one person could have some crazy thing happen to them every single day of their life.

The weirdest thing that happened to me today is that my boss at Acme didn’t fire me. After I forgot to bring in the dairy delivery immediately after it arrived. He’s fires people for smaller mistakes. I consider it almost a miracle that I still have a job. But you don’t hear me telling you every night what awesome or strange thing happened to me every day do you?”

“Larry does not use that kind of language at the dinner table. And leave Sandy alone. She’s not doing any harm. She just has an active imagination. That’s all. She’s a very creative kid with a big imagination. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah, imagination, sure. If anyone of the rest of us told so many lies, we would never hear the end of it.”

“He’s right Mom. You do favor her. She gets away with murder.”

“That’s enough Libby. How about we all just eat out dinner quietly.’

As a result, I never did get to tell them what happened to me. Every time I tried to bring it up. Someone would tell me to shut up, And my mother would say, “you are not allowed to say shut up in this house.

“Maybe I should start at the beginning. After I got out of school that day, I ran home. So that I could change out of my school uniform and into my play clothes. And then I ran over to my best friend’s house down the street. I banged on her front door. No one answered.

I banged and banged at the door for at least twenty minutes. I was about to give up and then I saw someone at the front window. She looked like a witch. Her hair was standing up in every direction. Her face had something sticky smeared across it. All the way up to her hairline. At first, I thought it was blood. The longer I looked I realized it was some kind of food on her face, maybe jelly. The window was half-opened she screamed out the opening, “help, help me they are keeping me, prisoner, here. Help, help, help.”

At first, I thought I better run away. Shes some kind of witch, Shes going to eat me. But then I saw tears slowly running down her face from her red, bloodshot eyes and down her wrinkled cheeks. And she kept wiping them away with the back of her hand. This further spread the jelly or whatever it was across her face. There seemed no end to her tears. I ran up to the front garden under the window and yelled up at her, “are you alright? Are you hurt? Do you want me to call the police?” She continued to moan and cry, “help me, help me.”

I decided to try getting into the house through the screen porch at the back of the house. My friend, Jilly lived there. But it didn’t seem like anyone else was home but this old lady. Jilly had told me that they never locked the back porch in case one of them got locked out of the house by mistake.

So I pushed it open and ran over to the kitchen door. I turned the knob and I was in. I stepped into the kitchen it smelled like pizza like it always does. My best friend‘s family is Italian and they eat spaghetti or lasagna or pizza almost every night. It always smells delicious in their kitchen. I called out, “Hello, hello where are you?” I could hear her crying from the living room. I yelled out, hello it’s me, Sandy.”

Nobody answered me. So, I just walked quietly into the living room. I didn’t want to scare her. “Hi, it’s me, Sandy.” I saw her still looking out the living room window. I tiptoed up to her and said, “hi, I’m here. She screamed at the top of her lungs. I let out a scream myself. ” Good grief, you scared me half to death. Where is everyone? Why are you all alone? Where’s Jilly?”

She said, ” they left me all alone. They are keeping me a prisoner. They won’t let me out.”

I said, “let’s sit down in the kitchen. I know let’s eat a cookie. I saw some on the counter when I walked through there. Do you want a cookie?” She smiled for the first time.

“Yes, cookie, I want a cookie.”

I helped her sit down and pushed her chair in. We both sat quietly and ate the chocolate chip cookies. And then I said, “are you Jilly’s grandmother?”

“Yes. I’m a grandmother.”

“Are you living here now?”
“Yes, I’m living here. They left me all alone. I was taking a nap and
when I woke up, they were gone. I was scared and lonely and all by myself.”

“Well, I‘ll stay here until they come home. Would you like that?”

“Yes, stay. I’m scared.”

We sat and ate our cookies for a while and I ask her what’s your name? She said, “my name is Alma. I came here a long time ago. I’m from Italy. We landed in New York City at the Statue of Liberty in 1905. We lived in Camden, New Jersey for many years. My husband was a tailor and he made suits for men. I had twelve children. They are all grown up and have children of their own. And some of their children have children. My husband died and now I’m all alone.”

“You’re not alone Alma. You live with your son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. And now you have me, I’ll be your friend and I’ll come to visit you anytime you want me to. Maybe we could take a walk around the garden in the backyard. And there’s a big swing hanging from the Willow Tree that we could take a ride on. What do you say?”

“Yes, I say let’s take some cookies outside too. I love cookies.”

“Really I love cookies and candy. Next time I come over I’ll bring some cookies that my mom made. They’re oatmeal raisin. They are so yummy.”

Alma had a big smile across her face. And that’s when I saw Alma didn’t have any teeth. And I wondered how she could chew the cookies. I handed her two of the cookies and we sat down on the couch that was on the back porch. She finished her cookies before I did.

“Good, they’re good cookies. Give me more.”

“Maybe next time, I don’t want you to get sick.”

She smiled at me. And that’s when I heard my friend Jilly’s car drive up. It was an old car and it made a lot of noise. I said, “Alma your family is home. Do you want to go back into the house?”

She said, ‘no, I like it out here. It’s nice and there are a lot of birds and flowers. I used to have a garden when I lived in Camden in the front yard. I had all different kinds of roses. And we had a grapevine and my husband used to make his own wine. I miss that.”

“Maybe your son would let you have a garden here. And then you could go outside in the fresh air and not be stuck in the house all the time.”

“Yes, I would love to have a garden again. Let’s do that.”

And then I thought, oh no, I shouldn’t have told her that. Maybe they’ll say no. And then she’ll be sad again. “Alma, stay here. I’m going to run around front and tell them we are out on the porch. So, they won’t worry. I’ll be right back. Stay here.”

I ran out front and Jilly’s father said, “what are you doing here? Why are you here all the time?”

My friend Jilly’s father was a grouch, just like my father. I ignored what he said. And I said, “I was visiting Alma I heard her crying when I was knocking at the front door. And we were sitting on the back porch eating cookies. I told her I would bring her some of my mother’s cookies the next time I come over.”
“How did you get in the house Sandy?”

“I came in the back porch. Jilly told me it is always unlocked. And your mother and I were visiting on the porch and eating cookies. She said she wants to have a garden in the backyard. She loves flowers and grapes.”

“She did, she’s done nothing but cry since she got here. OK, let’s go see her on the back porch. We all marched around the yard to the backyard. Alma was sitting there quietly looking at the backyard. “Hello, Sandy said I could have a garden and work in the backyard.”

“She did Mom. That sounds like a great idea.”

And Sandy said, “she will come over and help me.”

“Well Mom, that sounds like a fine idea. And maybe Jilly can help you as well.”

And that is when I saw the most beautiful toothless smile appear on Grandmother’s face. That’s what she told me to call her, Grandmother. I never had a grandmother before. So, at least once a week I go over and help grandmother in the garden. And she tells me all kinds of stories about the olden days when she was growing up in Italy.

And that is how I made my second best, Alma. At least once or twice a week I go over to Jilly’s house and sit on the back porch and eat oatmeal raisin cookies with cold milk. And sometimes we go in the yard and work in the garden. I’m in charge of any worms we find. Because Alma is afraid of snakes. I keep telling her that these are just little worms but she doesn’t believe me.

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Thelma is the middle child in a family of five children. Thelma is often overlooked or overshadowed by both her older siblings and the youngest as is often found in the middle child.

Thelma however is not a child that’s content with being the overlooked child. She’s a child with a unique personality, traits, and talents. And if the truth be told Thelma isn’t easily ignored because she’s an unconventional-looking young girl, not ugly, but unusual. 

And add her strange personality to the mix and Thelma is a one-of-a-kind young girl. No one can easily overlook her. Because the moment you glimpse her, you’re struct by first her face, her body, and then her unique mannerisms. And for some unknown reason, there is a faint but distinct smell of gardenias when you stand within a foot of Thelma.

And let me be perfectly clear Thelma doesn’t suffer from any facial or body deformities. Nor is she mentally ill. It’s simply a combination of unusual looking with an unusual palpable vibe.

Thelma enjoys taking long walks around her neighbor by herself. She is comfortable with her own company. She is complete within herself. She rarely feels lonely. And if she does, it is only a fleeting feeling.

One day Thelma was sitting on her front steps when she notices a toddler walking toward her on the sidewalk in front of her house. Thelma glances up and down the street and doesn’t see any adults in view. In fact, she doesn’t see anyone. Thelma decides to take charge of the situation. It is clear that a child this young, barely older than a toddler should be taking a walk by him or herself.

“Hello, what’s your name? Where do you live? My name is Thelma. How about if I find out where you live and take you home to your mommy and daddy?”

The toddler looks up at her and sticks his hand out. And Thelma takes his hand in hers and starts walking back in the direction he came. “So, tell me if you see your house. And then we’ll knock at the door and see if you belong there. Thelma knows that no one that lives on her street has any little kids. So, she turns down Popular Avenue and walks hand in hand down Mill Road. “Do you live in any one of these houses? Hey, what’s your name?”

The little boy doesn’t respond. “Oh, you don’t feel like talking today, huh? Well, that’s alright sometimes I don’t feel like talking either. Wait, let’s try this house, and see if you live there or if they know where you do live. You couldn’t have walked that far.” Thelma walks up to the house and up the front steps to the green door and knocks.

An older woman answers the door, she is tall and thin and has grey hair that is twisted up into a bun with two chopsticks sticking out of it. She had dark, red lipstick on her lips and rouge on her high cheekbones. Her eyes are slightly slanted. Even though the woman is old, she is still quite beautiful.

The woman looks at Thelma and then down at the little boy holding her hand and she has a worried look on her face. “Yes, can I help you? Is everything alright?”

“Hi, my name is Thelma. I was sitting on my front steps on Ellis Avenue when this little boy came walking down the street by himself. I was afraid that he would get hurt or hit by a car. So, I ask him if he wanted me to help him find his house. So, here I am. Do, you know where he lives?”

The woman looks at Thelma and studies her for a moment and then says,” Well, Thelma that was a good idea to help this little guy find his parents and his house. But I think that I will give the police a call and see if anyone has called about their child be missing. I don’t recognize him, but I’m sure the nice policeman will find his parents right away. They must be really worried about him. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes, I do. But I think we will just wait out here, while you call the police.”

“Thelma you are right again, you should never go into a stranger’s house. Why don’t I get you two a drink of water and a cookie? And you can sit on the step and wait for the police to come and take this little guy home. What do you say?”

“I think that is a good idea. We’ll wait outside, and I’m sure he is really thirsty after he took such a long walk by himself. Besides, it’s really hot outside.”

Thelma sits down on the step and the little boy sits on her lap. She never had a babysit on her lap before, and she is surprised how heavy he is for such a little guy. “So, what’s your name?”

He doesn’t answer. Thelma imagines how she would feel if she was this little and she got lost from her home and her mom and dad. She feels a tear run down her cheek, and she hugs the little boy. She knows she would be really scared. “Don’t worry, the policeman will be here soon and they will bring your mom with them. Oh, here comes the nice lady and she has some water and a cookie for you.”

“By the way Thelma, my name is Mrs. Wilkes, I’m so happy that you stopped at my house, here is your cookie and cold water. She hands the cookie to Thelma and hands the little boy a cookie as well. “Here you go, little guy. And here is a sippy cup, my grandson uses it when he comes to visit me.”

The little boy grabs the cup and drinks the water down so fast, he chokes a little. Thelma says, “slow down, slow down. Here is the cookie but don’t eat too fast or you’ll choke again.”

“Thelma, you’re such a nice person to help this little boy find his mom and dad. By the way, the police told me that they did get a call from a woman that was very upset because she couldn’t find her little boy. Apparently, she forgot to lock the back porch screen door and the baby decided to take a walk. She was so happy he was found safe and she will be here any minute she’s coming with the policeman.”

“Really, I’m so happy. I would have been so afraid if I got lost when I was this little.”

“Yes, he was so lucky to have been found by a caring person such as yourself.”

The pretty lady sat down on the step next to Thelma and the little boy, he was still nibbling at his cookie, taking tiny bites. Because Thelma kept warning him not to take big bites because he might choke.

After about fifteen minutes a police car rolled up next to the curb. And as soon as the car pulled over to the curb a young woman jumped out of the car and ran over to the house where Thelma and the little boy and the pretty lady were waiting.

“Oh, Joey there you are. I was so worried about you. I must have forgotten to lock the porch door. I’m so sorry.” There were tears running down her face, it was clear from her red, puffy eyes that she had been crying for a while. She picks up Joey and hugs him against her chest.

“Hi, my name is Thelma, I was sitting on my front step when I saw Joey walking down my street towards Main Street, so I decided I should find his house before he got more lost or hurt.”

Joey’s mother looks at Thelma, and she smiles.” Oh Thelma, thank you so much. You will always be my hero. You are such a kind and brave little girl to take care of Joey when he was lost. I can’t thank you enough. Then Joey’s mom starts crying anew. And says, “Can I give you a hug Thelma?”

Thelma was seldom hugged and didn’t know what to say. But after a moment, she said quietly, “yes, I would like that.”

The pretty lady and the policeman were both smiling from ear to ear. The policeman said,” I have to say that this is the best ending that I have seen in a long time. And I would like to shake your hand, Thelma, can I do that?”

Thelma was overwhelmed by everything that Joey’s Mommy and the policeman said to her, and a tear of happiness slowly rolled down her soft cheek. “Yes.”

The policeman reached over and shook her right hand, “You are a hero, Thelma. Say, did anyone ever tell you that you smell like gardenias?”

“No, what is a gardenia”

“It’s a beautiful flower, with a wonderful aroma. You’re a wonderful young lady, who smells like a beautiful flower.”

Thelma put down her head, she was overwhelmed by emotion. It was a rare occasion when she was complimented. Her older siblings were always tattling on her and her younger siblings were always stealing her toys. She was always the odd man out in her house. Someone was always mad at her and telling her she was a weirdo.

Well, Mrs. Phillips if you like I can give you and Joey a ride home and you too Thelma if you like I’ll even turn on the sirens all the way to your house. Would you like that?”

“Yes, that would be neat. I would love that.”

“Ok, let’s be on our way. Thank you for the quick thinking and calling the station mam, Otherwise, this might not have had such a happy ending.”

“Oh, I didn’t do anything but pick up the phone and call you, Thelma is the hero here.”

On the way home, Thelma couldn’t stop smiling. She knew her family would finally know that she was special and not just some weird kid.

“Alright Thelma can you give me your address and we’ll be on our way?”

“My address is 48 South Forklanding Road, two houses down from Main Street next to the school.”

“Here we are, I would like to come to the door to explain to your mother why you arrived in a police car. OK?”

The policeman got out of his side of the car and went around to the back of the car to let Thelma out. “Here we are Thelma, let’s go up to your door.

The policeman knocked at the door several times before anyone answered. Thelma’s oldest sister came to the door. And she immediately started screaming for her mother, Mom Thelma is at the door with a policeman, she must have gotten arrested. Mom, Mom, Mom.”

“Ewe, you are going to be in such trouble, Thelma.”

“Hello, my name is officer McKinney, Thelma isn’t in any kind of trouble. She found a lost toddler and because of her the little boy’s mother was informed that her lost toddler was found and they were reunited safely. She is a heroine. You should all be proud of her.”

Thelma stood there saying nothing, when her sister said, wow, Thelma, you saved a little kid’s life. You’re are a heroine.”

Thelma blushed, but she felt the happiest she ever felt. Thelma’s mother stepped over to her and gave her a big hug. Thelma never felt this happy before. She smiled from ear to ear. The police officer leaned over and shook Thelma’s little hand. And then he turned and got into his car and left.

“Oh, Thelma, I’m so proud of you.” Said her mother and sister in unison. Her sister said, I can’ wait to tell dad, that you are a heroine.”

Thelma’s mother takes her hand and kisses it, and leans over and hugs Thelma hard. “I always knew you were special, Thelma, how about a snack before it gets too late. And they both walked back into their house, and Thelma told her mother the whole story again from beginning to end. And it turned out to be Thelma’s luck day, her mother had just made chocolate chip cookies, Thelma’s favorite kind.

At dinner when Thelma’s dad came home from work and they were all seated at the table for coffee, her mother told everyone the story. And everyone’s clapped. It was the happiest day of Thelma’s day, so far.

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